The government has ended its free Covid-19 home test kit program. However, test kits can be purchased for a nominal fee at many local pharmacies.

We also offer free Covid-19 testing at the clinic. Call to make an appointment or, get a test done in our Urgent Care.

If You Have Moderate or Severe COVID-19 Symptoms 

Moderate to severe COVID-19 illness may include fever, chills, persistent cough or other symptoms.  If you have difficulty breathing, pain in your chest or other serious symptoms, please call 911 or visit the emergency department.

If You Have Mild COVID-19 Symptoms or No Symptoms

If you have mild COVID-19 illness, no symptoms (asymptomatic) following a COVID-19 exposure or need testing for other reasons, we recommend making an appointment with your primary care physician or testing at home. Mild COVID-19 illness may include headache, low grade fever, cough, sore throat, congestion, muscle aches or other symptoms.